If you observe the error Headers were not valid when importing a spreadsheet into the web store, this usually indicates that: There are either more columns of data than expected and/or There is extraneous data outside of the main columns Be sure your import matches the original export from the web store. Additionally, try deleting […]
How to Start the commercebuild agent Service
If your web store runs on Sync 2, you may be asked to start or restart the commercebuild Agent Service. The video below will take you through this process.
Customer: Failed to update Sage CRM with customer number
If you receive the following error message while processing an order: <<*>>ERROR MESSAGES (response)|*|Customer: Failed to update Sage CRM with customer number ‘WEB00XXXX’, named ‘Starbucks’. Specific error: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 3510). —> First attempt to restart your server. If that does not resolve the issue, please contact commercebuild Customer […]
Orders Stuck in “Queued” Processing Status
From time to time, an order may become stuck in the Queued processing status. This can occur for various reasons. The fastest way to remedy this issue is to Cancel the order that is stuck in the Processing processing status. Upon clicking Cancel, the order will moved into Failed processing status and allow the remaining […]
Unable to add a variant option for child variant products
If you are unable to add a variant option for the variant products, then check the status of a product for which you are adding a variant option. In other words, if a product is Inactive on a web store then the system will not allow adding a variant option for that product. To verify, […]
How to Display Images for Variant Products Swatches
If a variant product has swatches for color options and if those swatches are not loading on the front end, then please ensure that the Variant Images checkbox is not unchecked. To confirm, go to your admin dashboard and navigate to Catalog > Product Variations > Variant Options. Locate the variant option for which the […]
How to Enable Barcode Searchability
If you are entering a product’s barcode in a Search field and are not getting results, then a setting to allow a product search based on barcodes needs to be enabled. In your admin dashboard, navigate to catalog > Product Settings > Elasticsearch. Under the Search Configuration tab, locate a button product – commodityNumber and […]
File failed. Possible reasons: Symphony failed to connect to Sage
This error can be associated with a failed order. If the web store is successfully connecting to Sage, which you can test by going to ERP Integration > Test Connection in your Dashboard, you should be able to re-queue the failed order. If you receive a “No SSH Connection” error when testing the connection, please see […]
FAILED – Invalid Signon Information. Make sure you supply the correct User ID and Password.
This error usually indicates that the credentials for Sage 300 or Windows server are incorrect. Once the correct credentials are known, they will need to be updated in Symphony Client, XM Symphony Client service as well as in the web store Dashboard. Please contact commercebuild Customer Success for further assistance.
How to prevent the On Account option from appearing on the payment step
You have set up a customer group with the option “No On Account option, Integrated Credit Card Only” selected from Payment Setup. However, the “On Account” option still appears on the Payment Step in the Checkout process, as evidenced by the below screens. For this, ensure the “On Account” option is also disabled from Payment […]