Archive by Author

Release 4.74

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.74 in our Australia region October 10, at 20:00 UTC, October 11 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.74 will be released to our North America and Europe regions ...

Release 4.73

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.73 in our Australia region October 1, at 20:00 UTC, October 2 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.73 will be released to our North America and Europe regions Oc...

Release 4.72

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.72 in our Australia region September 12, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. September 13 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.72 will be released to our North America and Europe...

Release 4.71

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.71 in our Australia region August 29, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. August 30 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.71 will be released to our North America and Europe regio...

Release 4.70

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.70 in our Australia region August 15, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. August 16 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.70 will be released to our North America and Europe regio...

Scheduled Database Maintenance

The commercebuild Systems team will be restarting MySQL database servers for routine maintenance on July 24, 2023. Production AU 06:00 NZST / 19:00 BST / 11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT Production EU 14:00 NZST...

500 Errors

22:05 UTC - All stores are functioning as expected. Please feel free to reach out to our support team with any questions at 21:40 UTC - Stores in our AU production environme...

Release 4.68

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.68.0 in our Australia region July 19, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. July 20 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.68.0 will be released to our North America and Europe regio...

Release 4.67

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.67.0 in our Australia region July 04, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. July 05 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.67.0 will be released to our North America and Europe regio...

Release 4.66

The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.66.0 in our Australia region June 20, at 20:00 UTC, i.e. June 21 at 06:00 Melbourne time. 4.66.0 will be released to our North America and Europe regio...