If you are attempting to add a new user to your web store and you receive the following error:
Email is already in use. Please enter new one.
Username has been taken. Please choose other names.
This means that the email address or username is already in use on another web store account. Please search for the user under in the following locations:
- Customers → Manage Customers (/admin/musers/)
- Sales Rep → Manage Sales Rep (/admin/musers/salesreps)
- System → Site Administrators (/admin/musers/administrators)
- Past Users (/admin/musers/past_users)
If you locate the matching account and determine that it is in the wrong web store group/location, you have a couple of options:
- Delete the user, and then re-add the user to the correct web store area.
- Change the existing user to the correct web store location through a sheet export. You can follow this guide as an example, taking care to assign the user to the correct group: https://support.commercebuild.com/article/how-to-convert-your-b2c-user-to-a-b2b-user/