The commercebuild platform will be upgraded to 4.110 in our Australia region on March 25, at 20:00 UTC, March 26 at 06:00 Melbourne time.
4.110 will be released to our North America and Europe regions March 31 at 19:00 Eastern time, April 01 at 00:00 UTC.
Web stores that were affected by any issues fixed in 4.110 will be updated in the corresponding tickets/conversations.
This is a list of issues that are to be resolved:
- Better error handling for Stripe payments
- Intercom: 161933000037761, 161933000083989
- Internal: UN-2208
- Copying custom pages from B2B Dealer to B2C Public deletes pre-existing sub-pages under B2C Public custom page
- Intercom: 161933000078800
- Internal: UN-2207
- v2 checkout | delivery address & billing address labels showing twice on order summary
- Intercom: 161933000085382
- Internal: PDECOM-4506
- Settlement Discount Not Displaying on Invoice Creation Day & Date Incorrect
- Intercom: 161933000089244, 161933000089809
- Internal: PDECOM-4469
- 500 Errors received when attempting visit specific pages
- Intercom: 161933000090025
- Internal: PDECOM-4482
- ccExpiry is no longer being sent in sageExchangeTrnV2
- Intercom: 161933000090984
- Internal: PDECOM-4514