Loading errors for some NA web stores

Incident Affecting commercebuild Caching Store Services

commercebuild customers in the North American Region were affected by a Cache platform out of memory incident.

Incident began at 2024-08-06 04:41 and ended at 2024-08-06 05:11 (all times are UTC).

We apologize for the inconvenience this service disruption/outage has caused. We would like to provide some information about this incident below. Please note, this information is based on our best knowledge at the time of posting and is subject to change as our investigation continues. If you have experienced impact outside of what is listed below, please reach out to commercebuild support.

  • Incident Start: 6 August, 2024 04:41
  • Incident End: 6 August, 2024 05:11
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Affected Services and Features: Caching services that provide fast site response times
  • Regions/Zones: North America Multi Region
  • Description: Our caching servers became overwhelmed by excessive memory load. This was as a result of our scheduled North American Release yesterday which applied an update to our caching servers that caused memory garbage collection to not keep up with memory loads.
  • Customer Impact: During the incident timeframe impacted customers experienced: Store outage at the time the issue happened.
  • Resolution: Once we identified the issue we restored the caching services and released the required code update needed to support the increased Cache loads. We don't foresee any further impacts as a result of this issue.

UTC 18:25: All systems remain online and appear to have recovered. We will continue to monitor, and will post an update regarding a summary of the incident in the near future. If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the support team at support@commercebuild.com.

UTC 17:21: Our team confirms they were restarting some services and we are seeing services recover. We are continuing to monitor.

UTC 16:53: Our team is investigating loading errors for some NA hosted web stores. We will follow up here with more information.