If the transaction detail page does not have a grid setup, please follow these instructions to include additional information such as your TIN or GST/HST number: 1. In the admin dashboard, go to Syste...
Mobile Menu
Our new Mobile menu feature lets you customize your own menu if you find that the default menu doesn't meet your requirements. Anyone can use this new feature just to change up the look of their site,...
How to Set Up B2C Taxes in the Web Store
Unlike B2B customers that typically have their tax rate set in the ERP, B2C customers don't have their own ERP account to inform the website of the correct taxes. As such, we use surrogate accounts ...
How to setup category badges
A badge is a small image that is shown on the left or right side of a category in the navigation menu. Category badges are an effective way to highlight your category in a web store. You can apply a c...
How to Display Stock Quantity on Products for Salespersons
Stock quantity display is controlled by the user group settings on the web store. The commercebuild webstore allows you to have different settings for different user groups, and therefore, you can cho...
Multi Location Advanced Settings
Only available on e-Commerce v4.13.0 or later, this feature enables B2C or Guest users to select the closest location or warehouse. This feature allows users to select a location on the site, and can ...
How to Set Up Global Filters
Global filters allow users to narrow down results in the entire site for a whole session of use. As a contrast, regular filters narrow down results at a specific category level. An example might be fo...
What do the quantity calculations mean?
Via the Dashboard in System > Site Settings > Stock & Dimension Settings > Qty Available Calculation, you can select how your product inventory is calculated on the web store. Imagine t...
How to Enable A Pre-Order Feature for Products
Please note the article discusses a feature -- Product Custom Fields -- which is a billable add-on. Please contact us if your web store does not have this feature activated. The Pre Order feature enab...
How To Add Filters To Category Pages
Once you have set up filters in your web store and assigned them to products, it's time to add them to category pages so they start showing on the side navigation on category pages. Enable Sidebar Cat...