
How to Enable A Pre-Order Feature for Products

Please note the article discusses a feature — Product Custom Fields — which is a billable add-on. Please contact us if your web store does not have this feature activated. The Pre Order feature enables you to set your products on Pre-order. It is a custom field that is set at the product level. To […]

How To Add Filters To Category Pages

Once you have set up filters in your web store and assigned them to products, it’s time to add them to category pages so they start showing on the side navigation on category pages. Enable Sidebar Category Filter To get started, navigate to Catalog > Categories, and click Edit for a category to which you […]

How to create content grid for Category Pages

A Category page is one of the default pages which displays category filters and product listings. To display content via a content grid and to customize the look of your category listing pages, you need to make use of a Responsive Content Grid. Getting Started In your admin dashboard, navigate to Content Management > Default […]

How to use Email Templates

The Email Templates is a feature using which you can customize various emails that are sent from your webstore such as Account Activation, New Account – B2B/B2C, Forgotten Password, and Successful Order Confirmation. This feature may not be available on your web store, so reach out to commercebuild Customer Success to ensure the module is […]

How to Create a Forgotten Password Email Template

Once you have added a new template for Forgotten Password, you are now ready to begin creating and customizing it. For the sake of this guide, we will use the below template. The design should suffice as it holds all the necessary modules with some cardinal styling. You can include content modules to add additional […]

How to create an Order Confirmation email template

Once you have added a new template for Order Confirmation, you are now ready to begin creating and customizing it. For the sake of this guide, we will use the below Order Confirmation email. The design should suffice as it will hold all the necessary modules and some cardinal styling. However, if you want to […]

How to create an Account Activation email template

Once you have added a new template for Account Activation, you are now ready to begin creating and customizing it. Please note that the Account Activation email is sent only if you have Is email verification required before login checked in your registration form. For the sake of this guide, we will use the below template. […]

How to create a New Account email template

Once you have added a new template for New Account – B2B or B2C, you are now ready to begin creating and customizing it. For the sake of this guide, we will use the below template. The design should suffice as it holds all the necessary modules with some cardinal styling. If you want to […]

How to Set Up Auto Add Promotions

Auto Add Promotions is useful if you would like for promo codes to automatically be added to your customers’ carts when the conditions of the promo code are true. These promo codes can be linked to a specific category. For example, if you have a category called “Top Deals,” a promo code can be automatically […]

How to convert your B2C user to a B2B user

To convert a B2C user, it is ideal to convert them to B2B by linking them to their own A/R customer code from the ERP. To achieve this, create a new customer account in your ERP to which this web store user will be linked. Follow the below steps to convert your B2C user to […]