Options for variant products are defined and managed here. This may include options like size or color and defines how the option is displayed on the page.
Click Add New Option to create a new entry. The following fields are defined when creating (or editing) an entry:
- Name
- Name of the product variant option
- Code
- Product code of the product variant option
- This code does not exist in your ERP system and only exists in commercebuild
- Order
- Defines the sorting order of the variant option
- Type
- Dropdown
- This creates a simple dropdown on the product page for selecting the defined option
- Swatches
- This creates a button type list of options on the product page where a single option can be selected
- Matrix X
- This creates a horizontal list of options with quantity input boxes for each
- Stock levels are available with this option
- Matrix Y
- This creates a vertical list of options with quantity input boxes for each
- Stock levels are available with this option
- Matrix Split
- This creates a list of options with quantity input boxes for each
- Stock levels are not available with this option
- Dropdown
- Hide Unavailable
- When checked this the option if the product option has no stock
- Sequential
- When checked this forces product variant options to be selected in sequence if multiple options are present
- Variant Image
- When checked this displays the product variant image on the product page